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使用Reverso Context: The Swedish bank headquarters/ 3XN architectural firm,在英语-中文情境中翻译"architectural firm"

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    architecture firm 用於句子的示例,如何使用。19 例句: Reason for which they have to sell the apartment that they live in, dissolve…

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    Other architectural designs recognized by CNN include the New Museum of Western Australia in Perth, designed by architectural firms Hassell and OMA.

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    的翻译. architecture · 美式英语: architecture /ˈɑrkɪtɛktʃər/ · 阿拉伯语: فَنُّ العِمَارَة · 巴西葡萄牙语: arquitetura · 简体中文: 建筑学 · 克罗地亚语: arhitektura ...

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    architecture firm中文在Architectural Firm | LinkedIn的討論與評價

    Architectural Firm | 475 followers on LinkedIn. Architectural Firm is an architecture & planning company based out of 231 E Broad St, Cookeville, Tennessee, ...

    architecture firm中文的PTT 評價、討論一次看
