



4 天前 — destination的例句. destination. An alternative is to cooperate with another airline that provides services to these destinations. 來自Cambridge ...

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    destination中文在destination - 目的地 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙的討論與評價

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    Destination 目的地目的文件,目的單元. ... destination 目的地來源(4): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]

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    大量翻译例句关于"destinations" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... The intended destinations included metropolitan areas and tourist destinations in ...

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    例句. The town is a popular destination for art lovers. At around 1.00 p.m. we reached our final destination. We got lost and ended up miles away from our ...

    destination中文在holiday destination-翻译为中文-例句英语的討論與評價

    使用Reverso Context: Hotel Villa Selene is situated high over Lake Garda in rutal idyll remote from the popular holiday destination Tremosine.,在英语-中文 ...

    destination中文在destination中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字的討論與評價

    destination 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有466影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音 ...

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